Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my process`~

the earth
the earth is trace on a picture which found from Internet. the circle is make by circle shape, the map is trace by using pen tool. after tracing, i use tone color for the sea and the earth. then the earth is done.

beaker and toxic
i also find some beaker picture from the net then trace it. the toxic, I'm using transparency which is darker. then putting in purple color, so it look like acid. at below, the color become brown is because i wanna make it looks like that acid corrosion.

the icon actually is change by front. then arrange it and put all in the pouring toxic.

I'm using pen tool to illustrate it. make it like pouring the toxic to the earth. i wanna let others know that human cause global warming.

the smoke I'm also using pen tool to illustrate it out, then copy and paste it to many. then i also reflect some smoke and make in small size. this is to let others know that acid corrosion happen.

thn i put beaker whole things and the earth together. arrange the place to put the earth and beaker. then i put background color in blue color as below. i cant put black because the hand is in black color. so i put dark blue, and it can bring out the beaker with toxic and the earth.

because the side have space, i add in some text. i write the title --> global warming with some texts in. then adjust the color, so that it wont crash together. then the work is done~~

1 comment:

Koo AC said...

I dont find any process posted here. Where is your final work for assignemnt3? Should have explain how you made it using illustrator.